Tuesday, June 5, 2007


omg, I finished something. It's one of eight pages for a not-so-fat book swap. Since I ran out of chipboard, I made my pages from polymer clay. And as I was getting jiggy with the clay, I decided I could stamp my image on a polymer clay medallion and color it with Pearl-Ex. Well I've always said I'd try anything once. And this brings me to MY cheap trick (better late than never) for Michelle Ward's 8th Crusade. USE THE STUFF YOU'VE BEEN HOARDING FOR YEARS. It's cheap in the respect that you've had the stuff tucked away, saving it for something 'special' and it remains there til you forget you have it (read: depreciation). When it comes to polymer clay, it's best to remember you have it sooner, rather than later. This stuff has been in a carton above my fridge for the last three years and it was a BITCH to condition.


Anonymous said...

Laura - you reminded me i have quite a stash of polymer clay....time to get it conditioned and put to use. Yes, hoarded stuff is a cheap trick, isn't it? Paid for long ago. Thanks for playing...I'll be posting your link under #9 with a (C8) behind it for crusade #8.

Corrine said...

Good idea. I'm making a studio space for myself at the moment and have unearthed all kinds of things I'd forgotten I had.

Penny Rabbit said...

Fantastic idea! I don't use clay much, I always forget about it! I love your book page, it's gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

this is sooooo true! i have so many old things that I should take out...funny that we forget about this!

Crafty Green Poet said...

That's a great cheap trick! Your artwork is lovely too!

Francesca said...

Lovely work! And you've reminded me about my ancient pc stash too, lol!

x said...

Lovely, thanks for sharing. ;)

carlene federer said...

I have definitely have a stash of stuff...it would be fun a fun challenge to force myself to use it, lol!