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Response to Michelle Ward's latest, Make Some Noise, Crusade No. 11. And with that, I'd like to climb on my soapbox. This video is from an unsigned, local band, My Dead X. These are all great guys, they have a very professional sound and they work and play for love of the music. ORIGINAL MUSIC. It's certainly not for the big bucks. Without support from the community, these guys (and the local bands in YOUR area) end up paying to play. Cover bands have it made because most venue owners "know" that no one wants to hear (or god-forbid, dance) to something they haven't heard 8,562 times on the radio. So with that, I encourage anyone who reads this to check around and see who's playing this weekend, you may be pleasantly surprised \m/

laura - bravo to you for getting your music up so quickly! and more praise for promoting your own local banc and encouraging us to look into what's playing near us. your band has a tight sound for an unsigned band....not into the screaming, but adore YOUR passion about it. thanks for playing!!!
Yeah, great music--these guys sound all-pro! I don't know if y'all have ever heard of Kutless (they're a Christian metal band) but Ryan Shrout from that band hails from my town, these guys have toured all over now. Sure is exciting to see them succeed, it should be only a matter of time before My Dead X makes it too as long as they are committed!
Very cool band! Love the music! Too cool that you are so into the local band!
Oh faaab, love the music you posted. Thanks for sharing this ;-)
I love your passion willingness to promote a relatively unknown band that you love. Can't say that I llike the singing style but can appreciate good musicians, and see why someone would like them. Thanks for the opportunity to listening to something I don't normally. Ux
Great sound and I think it is awesome that you are promoting a local band.
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